I have been 'missing in action' for more than 5 weeks now since my last posting on 29 November 2011. We have a very busy December and very relaxing early January.
Last December, for the 1st to 3rd weeks, we have both the bathrooms renovated. We moved to a nearby service apartment for 3 nights to allow the workmen to carry out the hacking and finish up some wet works. It was too dusty and dangerous for the children to be around.
Previously, we have only toilet at lower floor. We decided to refurbish the toilet and add on a shower room. The children used to bath in their little baby bathtub or with a bucket of water in the toilet. As they get older, we felt it is not appropriate for them to bath that way. We renovated the bathroom upstair to accommodate a new bathtub. The children like having a bath occasionally. They picked up the habit since our last trip back to their grandparent's home.
The work was supposed to finish in 2 weeks time but was dragged to the 3rd week. Typical attitude of Contractor, everything can when you first talked to them.
We stayed 3 nights at a place called Saville, just by the old klang road. It was a 3 + 1 rooms apartment with 3 bathrooms equipped with cooking and laundry facilities. This suited us well with the cooking and laundry facilities and it cost RM250/night. You have to pay extra RM10/day for car park facilities. Next time, if you have some family members come to visit and do not wish to pay some high hotel prices, maybe you can check this out
short stay apartment and
short term rental.
pool and playground at Saville |
In between, the children including the maid and myself were fallen ill with fever, cough and cold.
Finally, the bathrooms finished just a few days before Christmas. We were doing very last minute shopping for the kids' present and busy preparing Christmas lunch. We have few of our close friends joined us for the celebration.
Then, we were off to Langkawi again for a 4 days break. Like people always said things get easier as the children get older. We have no problem with the children sitting on the plane by themselves. The eat, sleep and really enjoyed themselves playing sand and water there.
So, I am back, will try to get some updates soon including IVF success stories. Another break coming up soon in 2 weeks time, the Chinese New Year and early February public holidays. Really need to get back to routine, children are getting a bit out of hand after the long break.