Monday, November 21, 2011

IVF Success Rate In Malaysia

After talking, welcoming childless couples to my home and reading all other blogs about couples who are trying to get pregnant or has successfully got pregnant, I realised that all those childless couples out there are most interested to know the following:-

1. How many years you have been trying?
2. What is yours or spouse's problem?
3. Who is your doctor or clinic you have visited?
4. What procedure you have gone through?
5. How many failures before success?
6. How much does it cost?

Then, I was thinking, maybe I should do some research and start a blog called 'IVF Success Rate in Malaysia". The information of those who has successful upgraded their status from childless to handful or just got pregnant should share some of the above information and the information can serve as a reference to others who are going to embark onto their infertility treatment journey.

To my kind readers/followers,

If you are of the above status, could you kindly answer the following questions and forwarded the reply to me via Your assistance is very much appreciated.

1. General Information :

  • Age Group : late 20's/early 30's/late 30's/early 40's
  • Married for :     years
  • Currently pregnant : Yes/No
  • No. of children :

2. Treatment/Medical Background

  • Husband : Nil/Low Sperm Count/Other (to specify)
  • Wife : Endometriosis/ Polyp/PCOS/Other (to specify)
  • Name of Doctor/Clinic:
  • Type of Treatment : IF/IUI
  • No.of trial prior to success:
  • Approx. cost spent:
  • Total of eggs retrieved
  • Total  of embryos developed:

3. Further information (if available and do not mind being contacted (if you have no blogspot):

  • Blogspot :
  • Email address :


  1. Thank you, Nana for being the first one who share your experience and who is 20 weeks pregnant now.Congratulation! 6th trial of IVFs!!! Really respect you for that. So, the morale of the story is never give up!!

  2. SY, thank you for sharing. 3IUI and I IVF attempts. Finally, it is handful now with a child.
